what does snapchat emoji meanings ?

Publish Date : 2023-03-12 11:52:29

Snapchat emojis are used to represent different types of interactions and relationships with other Snapchat users. Here are some common meanings of Snapchat emojis:

  1. ? Yellow Heart: You and the other Snapchat user are best friends, and you have been sending snaps to each other for a period of time.

  2. โค๏ธ Red Heart: You and the other Snapchat user have been each other's #1 Best Friend, meaning that you have both been sending snaps to each other more than anyone else.

  3. ? Smiling Face: You and the other Snapchat user are best friends, and you frequently send snaps to each other.

  4. ? Sunglasses Face: You and the other Snapchat user have a mutual best friend.

  5. ? Grimacing Face: You and the other Snapchat user have a mutual best friend, meaning that you both frequently send snaps to the same person.

  6. ? Pink Heart: You and the other Snapchat user have been best friends for at least two months.

  7. ? Baby Face: You and the other Snapchat user are new friends.

  8. ? Sparkles: Someone has replayed your snap within the past 24 hours.

  9. ? Fire: You and the other Snapchat user are currently on a Snapstreak. This means that you have been sending snaps back and forth to each other for several consecutive days.

Note that the meanings of these emojis may change over time as the app updates, so it is important to stay up to date with any changes by checking Snapchat's support center.

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